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Case Management

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Work collaboratively with health care providers to identify individuals and provide high quality, cost-effective, person-centered case management and social services to improve health outcomes.


Our team serves as a bridge to connect the most vulnerable populations to the care they need at the most appropriate time and place


Education & Engagement: Enables individuals and families to become educated and engaged in their own healthcare

Collaboration & Coordination: Empowers organizations across the healthcare spectrum to coordinate and collaborate in service of individual and community health

Assessment & Navigation: Facilitates comprehensive assessment of patient barriers to health and connection to delivery of needed resources


  • Reduce unnecessary utilization of acute and post-acute care services
  • Increase access to primary care and specialty care
  • Increase access to supportive services through partnerships
  • Increase access to community resources
  • Empower patients, providers, and partners through education and connectivity
case management chart
Case Management interaction chart